Gossip Girl season 2 episode 6: How did Georgina return?

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We have known for a good while now that Michelle Trachtenberg was going to be appearing on Gossip Girl season 2 as Georgina. In the end, the larger questions were twofold, especially when it comes to the when and how behind her return.

Luckily, this week’s season 2 episode 6 answered some of those questions, and boy was it ever chaotic. What we saw was Georgina effectively kidnapping Kate, the new Gossip Girl, and then using her to tank a wedding. She’s got significant collateral over the teacher, who admittedly has a pretty good way to collect all sorts of information. (One of the funniest parts of all of this was listening to Georgina complete shade the Dan reveal at the end of the original series.)

Throughout the episode we got a sense that Georgina is still looking to cause chaos in very much the same way that she once was, and she has no real issue hurting others to upset the balance of power. She’s a huge player to watch throughout the rest of the season, mostly because it is abundantly clear that she is not leaving the picture. Given that she still has leverage over Kate and plenty of opportunities, this could inject more fun into the story from here on out.

Is it possible that this storyline could be a distraction if you’re not so much a fan of the original CW show? Maybe, but honestly this is a moment we’ve been waiting to have for a rather long time. It speaks to the legacy of the Gossip Girl character and also key players like Serena and Dan. Even if we don’t see every single OG cast member in the flesh on this show, it’s just nice to be reminded they are a part of the same crazy world as Julien and all of the other newcomers.

Related Go ahead and get some other news on Gossip Girl, including what could be coming up next

What did you think overall about the events of Gossip Girl season 2 episode 6?

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