‘Big Brother Canada’ live feed spoilers: Are the nominations changing?

Big Brother CanadaAfter having the “Big Brother Canada” live feeds down for such a substantial period of time the past few days, there has almost been an explosion of activity ever since. The nights have been jam-packed with debate and strategy talk, and it’s possible that there now could be a change in eviction strategy along with some new possible alliances. (Warning: spoilers ahead!)

Say what you will about Gary, but he has been a very entertaining Head of Household. He’s been listening very carefully to everything that has been said the past few weeks, and he also has been smart to try to make new deals. With that in mind, we have the “Sexual Hurricane” or “4G” alliance, which is short for girl (Topaz), glitter (Gary), glasses (Peter), and, most hilariously, Guy (Alec). We don’t know if this alliance has staying power, but it shows once again that Peter and Alec are willing to be flexible.

Ultimately, these two guys in The Shield need to do everything that they can to survive, mostly because Peter is actually in a little hot water thanks to Gary learning about his alliance with Liza. You can see in Gary’s heart that he really wants her out of the game for all of her constant lying and scheming, but at the same time his head seems to be leaning towards getting Tom out. He knows that Alec will probably not use the Veto, and with Tom being such an enormous threat there may not be another opportunity like this to get him out of the game.

We’re sure that this will probably bounce back and forth the next few days, but Liza is already selling herself hard and throwing anyone and everyone under the bus in order to make something happen.

Who would you want to evict if you were playing the game: Liza, or Tom? Be sure to vote for your pick with a comment below, and you can also read up on the Nomination Ceremony and the Veto here.

Photo: Slice

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