Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO, 11/13?

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO? For those unaware, we are inching close to the end of the season.

Luckily, we’re not at the end just yet. There will be a new episode airing tonight on the network, and you can expect to see it start at around 11:05 p.m. Eastern. If you have seen the late-night show with any sort of regularity over the years, then you know that the start time does tend to fluctuate depending on what else is happening on the schedule across the board.

As for what you can expect to see on the late-night show, it feels pretty darn clear that we’re going to be seeing a discussion about both the midterm elections and the aftermath. This was the biggest news of the past week, and since we are close to the end of the season, there aren’t going to be that many opportunities to break some of this down further down the road.

Will there be a main segment here on a totally unrelated subject? At this point, it’s hard to predict, but we have seen that on a few different occasions, and at moments that we did not expect at all. We don’t mind them sometimes, especially when they are on different subjects that catch us by surprise.

When the finale DOES air…

Go ahead and prepare for a pretty substantial hiatus. One of the things that we’ve come to know about this show at this point is that it tends to take the months of December and January off. We would imagine that the next season will start in February, and there are probably going to be a lot of newsworthy subjects that the show does not have a chance to dive into.

Related Be sure to get some more updates on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver right now!

What do you want to see on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver when it airs in a matter of hours?

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