‘Grey’s Anatomy’ season 9, episode 17 preview: Fights, romance, and more fights

Grey's AnatomyAfter over a week of waiting, we finally have a first look at the March 14 episode of “Grey’s Anatomy,” but the unfortunate thing is that we really don’t know very much about the story based on what is actually in the synopsis. This is more of a commercial than a promo designed to tee up the next new episode, so there is nothing really shared here when it comes to plot points at all.

Instead, much of this video  really just focuses on something that has by and large become the show’s calling card over the years: focusing on fighting between the doctors and romances more than anything else. We have a mad scramble with the ownership changing at the hospital, and everyone is also going to have to spontaneously get used to the fact that we have a brand-new person running the hospital in Jackson, and there are going to be times when his experience and the tension between him and some of the other doctors (see April for one possible example of this) is going to lead to some trouble.

Speaking of tension, anticipate some issues now between Jo and Alex as Justin Chambers’ character finally starts to realize the extent of the feelings that he has for his co-worker, who he has built some sort of relationship with slowly and surely over the course of the season. This is the first real relationship that Alex has had post-Izzue that seems like it could work, but the challenge for him is going to be finding a way to get it there.

What do you want to see happen during this episode? If you want to check out what is coming up for Ellen Pompeo’s Meredith on the show, you can do so over at the link here.

Photo: ABC, video via SpoilerTV

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