Doctor Who spoilers: Jodie Whittaker on upcoming regeneration

The final episode of Doctor Who with Jodie Whittaker is going to be airing on BBC next month, and we know it’s going to be enormous. This is a 90-minute installment titled “The Power of the Doctor” that will feature a memorable regeneration — while also celebrating the 100-year anniversary of the British television network.

Speaking in a new interview with Empire Magazine, Whittaker made it clear just how much there is to love about this upcoming episode, especially if you are a big fan of her current era with Chris Chibnall serving as behind-the-scenes showrunner:

“It’s one for the Whovians … It’s a huge treat if you’re a proper fan. It’s got all the iconic things that you associate with Doctor Who. It’s massive … I love the dialogue Chris wrote for my regeneration. It captures my Doctor beautifully. It’s simple, epic and beautiful.”

If course, the main mystery here is what happens after the regeneration. Russell T. Davies is taking over as showrunner, but will Jodie automatically regenerate into the next Doctor played by Ncuti Gatwa? Or, will there be a brief intermission with David Tennant? There are a lot of different questions here, largely due to the fact that Tennant and Catherine Tate are returning to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who next year. Rest assured, we will get to Gatwa as the next Doctor eventually, and all signs do suggest that he is going to be fantastic and bring his own style to the role.

Now, let’s just hope that we get more footage from Whittaker’s farewell soon. Despite the episode coming in the near future, the BBC has been pretty coy when it comes to sharing a lot of details for what lies ahead.

What do you most want to see from Jodie Whittaker’s final episode of Doctor Who?

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