Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: The new Taylor, Brittany ‘plan’

Brittany Hoopes Big Brother

Are we going to finally get some movement in the Big Brother 24 house when it comes to strategy! We recognize it’s been a slow few days, but that’s understandable when you consider all of the factors here.

Remember that Monte has the Power of Veto and since he’s been close to Turner forever, he’s not going to be inclined to evict him. Yet, Brittany has been working for over 24 hours now on a complicated pitch that involves graphs made out of candy, data, and evidence that she’s a better option for Monte if he wants to control his destiny and win the final Head of Household.

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Yet, in a conversation with Taylor tonight, Brittany made it clear what some of her fears are: She’s trying to show that she’s not a huge mental threat despite having a well-thought-out argument based on scientific data showing that she’s not a big threat in any regard. She’s also fearful of coming off as condescending. It’s why she suggested to Taylor that she present some of the arguments to him and now, Taylor’s offering to do that and claims she’ll study up on some of Brittany’s info.

The idea of Taylor being the one to “pitch” this herself to Monte is really her best-case scenario when you think about it. Regardless of how hard she really goes in on it, Brittany can feel go that she’s trying and it locks in that jury vote more. Taylor may still try, but she probably knows that convincing Monte is a pretty tall order — even if she is HoH.

Here is what we really wonder: How much does Taylor believe what Brittany is saying? According to Brittany, Turner is the biggest threat to win following by Monte and then her. Taylor is acting as though she can’t beat Monte or Turner and that’s the appeal for her to try and pitch something. We don’t actually think all of this is accurate — Turner hasn’t done a good job with the jury and Jasmine / Joseph are not going to be inclined to side with him. Alyssa may still be bitter. Taylor’s a bigger jury threat than she realizes.

For the sake of entertainment, we do hope Taylor tries something — also, she really shouldn’t care too much about Monte’s feelings after how he talked about her to Turner earlier.

What do you think about Taylor potentially presenting Brittany’s pitch to Monte in Big Brother 24?

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