Big Brother 24: Was Alyssa Snider evicted over Taylor Hale?

Alyssa Snider Big Brother

Tonight’s Big Brother 24 eviction was in some ways a long time coming — was this it for Alyssa Snider in the game?

If you would have asked us this question several days ago, we would’ve argued that her exit was a foregone conclusion. There wasn’t much benefit for the other players to keep her! She wasn’t a competition threat and offered zero protection from that vantage point; also, she’d have the support of Kyle and potentially Jasmine/Indy on the jury, even if the latter two were frustrated about certain parts of her game. We still don’t think she would’ve won the game at final two, but keeping her was an unnecessary risk.

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We’ll at least give Alyssa some credit for making this vote far more intense than we expected it to be over the past 48 hours. Taylor got a little too comfortable, and Alyssa actually fought harder to stay than she did most of the game. She understood that an emotional appeal to Brittany was effective and she did that; her big issue was making a pretty bad pitch to Turner, and then expecting that Brittany could help her on any level when Brittany rode the fence and was overly transparent with some of her gameplay. Taylor also had enough built-up credibility with Monte and a final three involving Turner that she was able to handle being a little too relaxed as of late; Taylor just played the better overall game.

We knew entering tonight that Alyssa would be a goner; there was no surprise with that. We just wondered how the process would play out.

What happened

Despite Alyssa giving The Rug Shack (hilariously) a shout-out in his eviction speech, Turner still voted to evict Alyssa and Monte broke the tie. Turner, clearly, thinks he will be taken by Monte to final two, and we think that went into his decision.

Did you think that Alyssa Snider would be evicted entering tonight’s Big Brother 24?

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