Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Alyssa’s bizarre pitch (day 59)
For those of you who missed the news last night, Michael won Head of Household and Zingbot made an appearance. To get a good sense of some of the zings, all you gotta do is visit the link here now. (Remember to also check out more ongoing daily updates from the feeds, as well.)
So as we move forward into the week, the onus is going to be on Alyssa and Terrance to figure out if there’s a way to save their own hide. They are the only two non-Leftovers in the game and ideally, Michael would like the two of them to stay on the block until Thursday. Both of them did speak with Michael earlier today to make some sort of argument:
Alyssa – This one was weird. She claimed that not only could the two work together, but she has no problem going to final two with a big threat. She even seemed to suggest that she’d be the Cody to his Derrick, where she’d take second place based on a final two promise, come back for an All-Stars, and win down the road. We haven’t always been the kindness to Cody as a player, but he was a hundred times better even in season 16 than Alyssa’s been here. This whole argument is ridiculous and Michael sees right through it — they are not the Hitmen, and they have nothing close to a similar bond.
Terrance – He and Michael talked about being on the block together early on, and how crazy it would be to keep moving forward from here. He also tried to subtly through Monte under the bus and indicate that this is a time to get rid of a bigger threat to his game. It’s true that Monte’s probably more likely to win comps than Terrance, but we don’t think Michael is that worried about losing comps to anyone right now.
Ultimately, Turner is probably the biggest threat left to Michael’s game, but he doesn’t want to nominate him after Turner nominated Kyle. He also probably realizes that in terms of optics, it’d look really bad if he took out Turner now — it’d look like he just used him to take out Kyle using what he’d heard from Kyle weeks ago.
If you were Michael, what would you do in the Big Brother 24 house this week?
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