Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Exposing Kyle … OFF feeds?
Suffice it to say, there was some frustrating moments this morning. The big thing was that entering this morning, we knew that Brittany and Michael wanted to expose Kyle for wanting an alliance to counter a potential Cookout — which, for the record, was not happening.
However, in a show that is supposed to be about presenting an unfiltered look at these contestants, the live feeds did not show us a conversation between Michael, Brittany, Taylor, and Monte, one where the two were supposedly clued in as to some of what Kyle said. Why not give us that? We’re left now to speculate that the conversation did happen, but Monte and Taylor both held their cards close to the vest. Given that we know that Kyle did say the things that he did about anti-Cookout alliance, it feels like a betrayal to the show’s initial concept that we don’t see these conversations now. It’s fair to have an opinion about Michael and Brittany keeping their information about Kyle until it was convenient (they should’ve at least told Monte and Taylor during Big Brochella), but why not let us see this process play out? It ruins the purpose of what this show.
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(Another piece of evidence that the convo had: Taylor sporting sunglasses and keeping to herself, trying to hide her eyes and her emotions.)
In the aftermath of this apparent conversation, Michael and Brittany decided to spill to Alyssa their whole plan in the game. Why do this? It was to likely build trust for a bomb that they would be dropping later. Watching most of this was tiresome, mostly because Kyle had already spilled his side of things to her, and of course she’d take his side. The more important conversation could come later with Turner, if the endgame really is trying to get Kyle on the block this week.
Production showed Alyssa being told about Kyle’s all-white alliance, though they tried to couch it by saying that Kyle may not be malicious or fully understood what he was doing. (They likely understand that if they went at her too harshly, she would recoil.)
What do you think about the events this morning on the Big Brother 24 live feeds, and what wasn’t shown?
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