Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Double eviction preview (day 51)

Joseph Big Brother

Tonight on Big Brother 24we’re going to see two houseguests leave the game in an atypical double eviction. Big Brochella and Dyre Fest are almost over and honestly, we couldn’t be more grateful. What a MESS things have been so far here!

Also, let’s just go ahead and say we hope this twist never happens again. We lost a ton of live feeds, and as a player Joseph fell victim to a perfect storm of bad luck. He got exactly the wrong people in his group, the wrong HoH, and an “ally” who turned for his showmance.

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Overnight, unfortunately there was nothing more that happened to make us think that Joseph will be okay. Turner formed a “final three” with Kyle and Alyssa, which we think once again is him covering his butt. He knows that Kyle has betrayed two alliances in the past and could do so again; also, Turner is at best fourth in this Dyre Fest group since we gotta think Kyle and Alyssa want to take Terrance further than him. We’re super-curious to see what he does when he gets back into the house.


Meanwhile, Jasmine is 100% going to jury tonight and she knows it. The insider crew is otherwise pretty unified, and we suppose this is going to be what makes the next Head of Household competition so important. It’s really going to be about who has the focus and concentration to pull this off, especially since emotions will be high. Taylor, Michael, Monte, and Brittany are going to be shocked by what happened outside; with that being said, they also clearly know who they have to blame in Kyle. The most entertaining option tonight is that Taylor or Brittany win HoH and then everyone outside starts to panic all over again. What in the world will they do to go after each other then? (We know that they have this “plan” to be unified re-entering the game, but we really doubt that will work.)

We’re going to miss Joseph … there’s 100% no denying that.

What do you think is going to happen on tonight’s Big Brother 24 eviction show?

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