Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: The big Monte debate (day 49)

Monte Taylor Big Brother

Could there be a big blindside within the Big Brother 24 house this week? At the very least, there have been some conversations. Some of this may just be due to everyone being locked up for an extended period of time, but conversations are still conversations! At the very least, there are some interesting discussions about Monte and whether or not to keep him this week.

Michael, to the surprise of no one, is one of the leading people thinking over it. He does realize that Monte is a threat to his future, mostly because he’s a good social player who can also win some competitions. Meanwhile, Jasmine is horrible in a ton of competitions and has no game resume to speak of. She is an easy person to take to the end.

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However, this is where we’re starting to see a difference between Michael and Brittany’s games today. Brittany has been more in the pro-Monte camp, and she continues to be the way. She hasn’t told Michael everything about what Monte has said, including his plans to target him at final five. She also probably knows that Michael could be unbeatable late and needs more challengers as we get deeper into the game. Also, Monte staying in means another target beyond her and Michael. Nobody’s going to want Jasmine out the further they go, and she’ll definitely team up with Terrance and Alyssa moving forward, especially if information is out about the Leftovers.

It’s true that we don’t know for sure what is going on outside with Dyre Fest; feeds have not been on them since Saturday night. For now, we have to unfortunately assume that Terrance, Kyle, and Alyssa are still working together, Terrance did not use the Veto and Joseph will be evicted — that means that Michael would be in HUGE trouble if he gets rid of Monte. He is by far the biggest threat left, and presumably he can’t play HoH.

If you were Michael in Big Brother 24, what would you want to do?

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