Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Monte, Michael bond (day 48)

Monte Taylor Big Brother

We are waiting for the Veto Ceremony to happen a little later today in the Big Brother 24 house but for the time being, we do have some interesting content to talk about that impacts the vote on Thursday.

To be specific, let’s go ahead and dive into the state of things when it comes to Monte and Michael. Last night the two had a really long and pretty emotional chat, where they dove into stuff like sexuality, their family backgrounds, and a whole lot more. It’s by far the deepest chat we’ve seen the two of them have. Even though Monte is on the block right now, Michael has no intention of sending him out this week.

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The importance of this conversation last night was justifying further why Michael doesn’t want Monte out this week, even though he recognizes him as a threat. He does seem to recognize and care about him on some level.


Is there a reason for fans to have distrust in Michael still? Sure, mostly because of his past history with Kyle, and we know that there are people who feel like the DR may have tipped Michael and Brittany off to the problematic alliance Kyle was trying to form. Yet, we do think he does care about Monte and wants to bring him along in the game for a little while. When you’ve won as many comps as Michael has, he also probably realizes that it’s good to have as many other threats around as possible. With Joseph potentially gone this week, he may feel that way more than ever.

You can say that Michael’s decision to try and get Jasmine out this week over Monte is personal or strategic; there seem to be reasons for it either way.

In other news…

We learned yesterday that Taylor’s ideal final three actually has Joseph in it rather than Michael. That could make the news this week all the more heartbreaking.

What do you want to see from Big Brother 24 moving forward from here?

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