Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony results (day 41)

Taylor Hale Big Brother

The new Veto Ceremony took place this afternoon Big Brother 24 house in a matter of hours, and there is one takeaway we have right now: Things are going to get messy for the rest of the week. They’ve been that way for almost all of Taylor’s Head of Household reign, and we say that knowing full well that she’s had the numbers to do much of what she wants.

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Well, “much of what she wants” are the operative words there. Since Kyle won the Veto, he was still the person who could decide what to do with that — and yesterday, he decided that he didn’t want his alliance dictating whether or not his showmance was going to stay in the house.

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That held true through all of today, as he did not use the Veto and with that, Indy and Terrance remain on the block. The downfall for this is going to be incredible for a number of different reasons. Indy, Terrance, and to some extent Jasmine now believe that Kyle only cares about Alyssa. (Remember, they thought that Taylor wanted to nominate Monte.) Meanwhile, the Leftovers all know that he is slipping away from them — some of them also know just how close he and Alyssa now are, and that is a problem in its own way.

So basically, a ton of people are going to be after Kyle moving forward. The only people who may not beyond Alyssa are Michael and Brittany, who could use him as a number. They’ve known more about his struggles this weekend than anyone else in the Leftovers, and have enabled him effectively to make whatever decision he wants to in the game.

What do you think we’re going to see happen following the latest Big Brother 24 Veto Ceremony?

Do you think Kyle’s in big trouble? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back for all sorts of other updates. (Photo: CBS.)

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