Westworld season 4 episode 7 spoilers: New ‘Metanoia’ details

Westworld season 4

Westworld season 4 episode 7 is set to arrive on HBO and HBO Max this weekend, and it is definitely a story with a lot of important stuff to say.

So where do we begin here? Well, let’s start with a conversation about the title, shall we? “Metanoia” is the name of episode 7, and there could be questions as to what that means. Theology and/or philosophy has been the basis for several titles as of late, and this one is derived from that as well. In Christian theology, this is a term used for a spiritual reawakening or some sort of vast transformation; it is certainly that something that makes sense with this show. Someone moving forward could have a change of heart; it could be Hale, but our view is that it’s more likely to be her own makeshift hosts. She’s tried to create a universe that could be fully under her thumb, but that’s not as easy or as possible as it seemed.

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While the season 4 episode 7 synopsis below may not look like much, there could be an interesting meaning behind it:

You want to have a drink at a time like this?

So what are we thinking about here? It’s ultimately rather simple: This could be a reference to someone exhibiting behavior that is a bit unexpected. In essence, we could be talking about a transformation of sorts here! This synopsis may be a metaphor, but we do have a feeling that there’s going to be swirling chaos within this episode and at least one person will have a different view of things. That person could be Christina, given that she could change things at almost any point in time.

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What do you most want to see when it comes to Westworld season 4 episode 7?

Is there anything in particular you are looking forward to? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back to get other news that 100% you do not want to miss. (Photo: HBO.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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