Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Veto aftermath! (day 25)
Let’s start things off here with a brief recap of events, for all of those who haven’t seen anything since the show on Thursday. Monte is the new Head of Household, and he nominated the duo of Alyssa & Indy for eviction. These two are, however, mere pawns for the time being; the final plan is to get Nicole out of the game. Alyssa’s a good backup, but Taylor has already agreed to go up on the block to ensure that the former cop goes out of the game.
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Earlier today, Kyle & Daniel won the Power of Veto, and this creates a really interesting dilemma. Kyle technically wants Alyssa out, but he knows that not using the Veto on her could appear sketchy to both The Leftovers and also Alyssa herself. Meanwhile, Daniel wants Taylor out, but is he going to risk his #1 ally in the game going on the block? This is a tricky decision!
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For now, it does seem like it is all systems go on the plan to get Nicole out of the game still, though you can see that she’s having second thoughts about being “okay” with the move. We’ve said this before, but we don’t think that this is going to be a repeat of what we saw last week with Ameerah. Nicole’s already paranoid that she will be taken out but there won’t be much she can do without it. Kyle’s totally playing Daniel, who thinks he can tell him things in confidence. Tomorrow’s going to be fun watching Daniel continue to try and manipulate him — only for it to do almost nothing.
What is so interesting is that weeks ago, Nicole was in a good place strategically; her downfall is going to be a prime example of both overconfidence and game mistakes that could have easily been overcome in more shrewd hands.
What do you think is going to happen at the Big Brother 24 Veto Ceremony on Monday?
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