Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Secrets, frustrations (day 12)

Nicole Layog Big Brother

It is the afternoon of day 12 within the Big Brother 24 game, but how many people are making the most of their time in the house?

Well, the answer to that is complicated. It feels like there are at least five or six people whose names we haven’t mentioned in an update in a long time except in passing, and that’s the frustrating thing about this season. While we wouldn’t say that one particular alliance is dominant, there are a bunch of players largely safe and then a small group that is vulnerable — and as of right now, that group is Pooch, Taylor, Terrance, maybe Brittany, and to some extent Monte given that some people want him out. There are also people like Kyle, Joseph, and Alyssa who seem to be largely on autopilot since they don’t have to do anything.

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This is what makes this season non-eventful so far — only a handful of people are really playing! Some things could change tomorrow, when Michael most likely does not use his Veto and we see Pooch remain on the block versus Taylor. We think that Pooch is going to get way more paranoid and as a result of that, could melt down over the next day or so.

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There are at least a couple of revelations being shared today, as Nicole and Daniel have solidified to us what is one of the stronger final-two deals in the game. He told her about his brother’s murder, whereas she has told him about being a former police officer turned chef — this is not something she planned on telling anyone ahead of time. It was already clear that the two were close before, but this is the sort of stuff that would constitute a huge betrayal if one of them rats out the other down the line. This makes them easily one of the strongest duos in the game.

What do you most want to see when it comes to Big Brother 24?

Be sure to share some of your thoughts and hopes in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are more updates coming and we don’t want you to miss them. (Photo: CBS.)

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