Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Possible nominations (day 2, evening)

Indy Santos Big Brother

What are the possible nominations going to be in the Big Brother 24 house? This has been a surprisingly hard question to get an answer to.

As likable as a lot of the cast is, we do think that it’s been a little frustrating how little gametalk we’re getting. For Head of Household Daniel, this is clearly by design. The last thing that he wants is to make a big target out of himself, and that’s why he, per conversations with Turner and Pooch (yes, obvious Turner and Hooch joke), is considering putting up Michael. Indy, pictured above, has also come up, and neither one of them can be considered a huge threat.

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Ultimately, what this would do is keep some blood off of Daniel’s hands, and he could make a bigger move and target a guy once we get around to the other side of the Veto (depending on what happens there).

The biggest thing that we’d say about this season right now is that it feels like a lot of people are playing chicken — they want to talk game, but are afraid of doing it too much. Everyone is playing scared right now and the HoH is afraid to stand out by looking like the aggressor. The closest ally that he has right now is Nicole; they formed a final two earlier in the day.


Alyssa, Pooch, Paloma, and Monte all continue to circle the idea of some sort of big alliance. To the shock of no one, it’s probably going to contain a lot of the top competitors so that they can just run the competition slate and take out some of the underdogs.

Now, one of the more ridiculous storylines for the season is how the women in the house don’t trust Taylor, even going as far as to claim that she could be some sort of “spy” for the men in the house. Why in the world would she risk her game like that so early in the process?

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 24 right now — we post multiple updates a day so BOOKMARK it!

If you were Daniel, who would you nominate today in the Big Brother 24 house?

Be sure to share in the comments! Once you do just that, come back for some other updates. (Photo: CBS.)

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