Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO, June 5?

Last Week Tonight

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight? After a week where the show was on a break, we absolutely want to get it back on HBO as soon as humanly possible.

Rest assured that, at least for this week, your dreams are coming true! (Of course, we are writing this assuming that your dream is to get more episodes of a snarky late-night show hosted by a British comedian.) Last Week Tonight is returning to the air tonight and per HBO’s online schedule, it may actually be premiering at the standard 11:00 p.m. Eastern / 8:00 p.m. Pacific timeslot. This is only a surprise given that the show does get pushed back quite a bit; that may happen again here, so we’d suggest that you just keep watching if showtime comes around and Oliver is not on yet.

So what will the focus of tonight’s new episode be? Well, we’d tell you first and foremost to go watch last week’s web exclusive about rocks — especially since it’s not actually about rocks at all, but about a series of other bizarre and absurd things that will probably tie your brain into various knots. In getting back to tonight, though, there is a TON of ground for John to cover from the past couple of weeks, especially in light of some horrific events that have transpired involving violence in this country. We wouldn’t be surprised to be an updated segment on firearms policy; it is something that Last Week Tonight has covered in the past, but it has been some time since we have seen more of a deep dive.

We almost wouldn’t be surprised if there are two separate deep-dives this week; think similar to earlier this season, where we had one about the Supreme Court that was timely alongside one about the Philippines, which brought a lot of information to the table viewers may not know about already.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Last Week Tonight now!

What do you think we will see on the June 5 edition of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back for some other updates we do not want you to miss. (Photo: HBO.)

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