‘Downton Abbey’: If only this could be a season 4 plotline…

Downton AbbeyFor those of you looking for a reason to smile today, “Sesame Street” now has it for you courtesy of a pretty delightful spoof of “Downton Abbey.” Entitled “Upside Downton Abbey,” the entire premise of the skit is to teach children the difference between being upside down and right-side up, while at the same time giving us pretty hysterical impersonations of Mr. Carson as well as Maggie Smith.

First things first, congratulations to the folks at Sesame Workshop for recreating much of the PBS and ITV series’ feel via some of their effects, which include the music, the costumes, and of course the frequent uttering of familiar phrases. Does Mr. Carson sound a little too much like the bald eagle Muppet? Probably, but we do not find ourselves particularly caring since he adore the voice here so much.

In case you are wondering why in the world “Sesame Street” would decide to teach a lesson through a show that very young children are not going to understand, the answer is twofold and very simple:

1. If they had just set this skit in an ordinary house and not “Upside Downton Abbey,” we would not be talking about it now.

2. This is a way in which to get older viewers excited about watching the show with their children, as this has been proven over the years to be an effective way to help facilitate learning. “Sesame Street” has in the past spoofed a number of other shows, including ones in “True Blood,” “The Voice,” and the hilariously-named “Birdwalk Empire.” (They also have a spoof of “Call Me Maybe.”)

On a different note, can this be one of the plots of “Downton Abbey” season 4? After all, mostly of season 3 still has us feeling pretty depressed.

If you want to see some more actual news when it comes to the hit drama series, be sure to check out the link here.

Photo: ITV

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