‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 4 spoilers: Ian Somerhalder, Nina Dobrev, and a cure

Into the WildOn Thursday night’s new episode of “The Vampire Diaries,” this whole mess of a story known as the search for the vampire cure may actually be over. With that in mind, another question is going to inevitably come up: are some of the characters actually going to end up taking it?

Maybe on what Ian Somerhalder’s Damon says here, the answer to this question is … maybe? For whatever reason, the vampire does not seem to be particularly interested at the moment in giving much of a firm answer one way or another to the question, with one of his primary reasons why Elena has been so interested in trying to find this cure to begin with … including traveling out to a tiny island in Maritime Canada.

If we had to guess here, Damon is really just using this answer as a way in which to mask his true emotions, and we would be rather surprised if he does anything that is the opposite of what Elena does. She is in so many ways his new Katherine, and he wants the opportunity to be with her for as long as he can, at least provided that there is not constant competition from Stefan in the process.

On the subject of Paul Wesley’s character, Damon also tells Elena in this clip that he believes that the only reason Rebekah is there on the island is to be an antagonist. He, according to Damon, wants to prove to both parties that he is over Elena, and that he no longer cares what they think. Could there be some other motivations there? Definitely, and Rebekah is such a fan of being the center of attention that she may constantly devise means to stay in that position.

Do you think that Damon would take the cure if he finds it? If you want to see another clip from “Into the Wild” that focuses primarily on Professor Shane, check out the link here.

Photo: The CW

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