Pachinko season 2: Is it renewed? Premiere date hopes


Following the epic finale today, can you expect a Pachinko season 2 renewal over at Apple TV+? Is there more to be excited about moving forward?

We won’t keep you waiting when it comes to the renewal status here: It’s coming back! The streaming service made the decision earlier today, with executive producer Soo Hugh having the following to say:

“Words cannot express my joy in being able to continue telling the extraordinary story of this indomitable family … I’m grateful to the amazing team at Apple and Media Res studio for believing and supporting this show and to our passionate fans who have cheered us on. It’s an honor to be able to continue working with this amazing cast and crew.”

From the start, it felt like Pachinko was a series that Apple would want to have around for some time. Just consider for a moment what it brings to the table! This is a show that is extremely ambitious, and almost every network out there at this point wants a program that does something almost no other one does. This is a story told in three languages that spares no expense when it comes to giving you an immersive world; yet, to go along with that so much of the narrative is character-focused. It is both sprawling and specific at the same time.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Pachinko right now

When could season 2 premiere?

It’s far too early to say! We’d love to say more episodes will be coming in 2023, but don’t be shocked if it takes longer. The ambitious nature of this story means that it requires a good bit of time to develop and perfect. We’re sure that Apple will start to at least release some more info at some point next year, and then we’ll simply go from there.

What do you most want to see when it comes to Pachinko season 2?

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