‘Once Upon a Time’ season 2: [Spoiler] will be a part of ‘Manhattan’

"Once Upon a Time" - CastWhile we have long hoped that a certain “Once Upon a Time” theory was simply a red herring, it is now starting to look more and more like this said “rumor” is in fact reality. What are we talking about here? If you want to avoid any sort of potential spoilers, then now is probably the time to stop reading.

As you may have heard already, the upcoming 14th episode of season 2 is entitled “Manhattan,” and you do not even have to read the official synopsis for the episode to figure out just what the story is going to focus on: the journey of Rumpelstiltskin and Emma to try and find his son, and the adventures that lead the two to New York City.

If you remember from the season premiere back in late September, there is one character in particular that we know is living in the Big Apple: Neal Cassady, and the newest press release via ABC confirms that he will be a part of this episode. Unless the writers have something really clever up their sleeves here, you may as well write this down: not only is Neal for sure Henry’s father, he is also possibly Rumpelstiltskin’s son. Just imagine what the family reunions will be like now for Henry, knowing that he is related to a man with such a deep capacity for evil.

For those curious, it also looks as though the mysterious Greg is not going to be leaving the show at any point in the near future, either, as he is listed as a guest star for the episode. Why hasn’t this guy gone home yet? There’s obviously something about Storybrooke that he piques his interest, and the longer he stays around, the more dangerous he is for all of the residents.

Are you going to be disappointed at all if Neal is Henry’s father? Be sure to share your thoughts below, and you can also head on over to the link here to find out another new face that will be turning up on “Once Upon a Time” soon.

Photo: ABC

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