Killing Eve series finale: Why did Villanelle die? EP explains reasoning

Killing Eve

It’s pretty clear at this point that the Killing Eve series finale is going to be thought of as one of the most controversial in some time. Why? It all comes down to the death of Villanelle near the end. Carolyn clearly ordered the hit on Jodie Comer’s character, which led to her being shot multiple times in the water.

What makes this so hard to swallow is the mere fact that it happened mere minutes after Eve and Villanelle finally got together and with that, paid off an atypical love story years in the making.

Watch our full series finale review below! To go along with this particular article, we also have a full discussion below well worth watching. Once you do this, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube.

So why do this? Why rip happiness away from these two characters? Speaking to TVLine, lead writer Laura Neal had the following to say about the dramatic conclusion:

We discussed lots of different versions of the ending, so we certainly discussed an ending where they both live happily ever after. But our problem was that we couldn’t really imagine them doing so. [Laughs] We couldn’t imagine a world where Eve and Villanelle could exist in domestic bliss for very long. I think the way we tried to explore that is that we put them in quite a lot of domestic situations in Episode 8 itself. So it’s almost like lots of the story is them trialing their relationship in different formats and testing it and seeing how it works. And I think they come to the conclusion, and then I hope we as an audience come to the conclusion, that they are fated for something a little bit more explosive — which is what happens.

The finale was in many ways all about actions and reactions, with Carolyn leading the charge in some way. Whether she was secretly part of the Twelve or just trying to take out many of the key players, she took advantage of every opportunity she had in this finale. She also capitalized, unfortunately, on what you can say is Villanelle and Eve’s biggest weakness: One another.

Related Check out some more news when it comes to Killing Eve right now

What did you think overall about Killing Eve series finale?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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