‘The X Factor’ USA notes: New Carly Rose Sonenclar and Fifth Harmony interviews

X Factor NewsDo you have about an hour of free time? If so (and if you love “The X Factor” USA), then you are not going to want to turn away from this page for some time.

We’ll start with the lengthy interview that Fifth Harmony gave a little earlier this weekend to Clevver TV, which include a vast myriad of topics when it comes to music, their excitement about recording an album (which is still in the very early planning stages), what it was like for each band member returning back home after the show, and some other general questions that are just fun. It’s one of the few opportunities we’ve had to hear from the group collectively since the competition ended, and therefore it allows for a better opportunity to see their personalities when editors are not part of the equation.

The only downside of this interview is the Google Hangout format. We have seen this on a few shows over the past several months, but there are a still kinks to be work out here when it comes to background noise and making sure some guests do not pop in and out of the broadcast. We also wish the individual members were featured a little bit more rather than just the two interviewers (which were in the top video for the majority of the video).

Carly Rose’s interview – For those of you who are anxiously awaiting details on Carly Rose Sonenclar’s possible record deal, she gave as many details as she could in an interview with WABC Radio on Saturday night.

Here’s what Carly was actually able to announce: she just decided on who she wants to manage her career moving forward, and right now her fate with Syco lies firmly in their hands. They have a little bit of time in order to decide still what they want to do with her, and if they do not opt to sign for whatever reason she could seemingly have an opportunity to go out and pursue a deal elsewhere, but of course they have the first-look rights thanks to her participation in the show.

We would personally be surprised if the teen phenom does not end up walking away with a deal, mostly because her talent is well-documented on the show and with her being so young, there is still so much room to grow. The long wait could just be due to the label attempting to figure out what the perfect fit for her would be.

The rest of the interview includes some more details about Carly’s upcoming StageIt show next week, and also just how she is adapting to live away from being on television.

Want more “X Factor” USA news? If so, be sure to check out the story over at the link here.

Photo: Fox

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