The Blacklist season 9 episode 14: More on Panabaker’s epic return

The Blacklist season 9 art

Friday night’s The Blacklist season 9 episode 14 is just a matter of days away now, and we know that this will be epic! After all, we’re going to be seeing Cynthia Panabaker back on-screen.

This character has for years been one of the most intriguing in this world, mostly because it’s long felt like there is something more to her beyond what we’ve seen. As of late, that has transitioned into us wondering if she is somehow behind framing Harold Cooper or what happened to Liz. These are just theories, but absolutely they are fun to think about!

New The Blacklist video! Take a look below to get our thoughts on where the story could be going from here. Once you do just that, SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube! We have thoughts, theories, and all sorts of epic good stuff coming. You don’t want to miss that!

So what makes the photo of Deirdre Lovejoy as this character so interesting? Well, she’s in Reddington’s trailer based on the setting, and she also doesn’t seem to be there on official government business. Based on the synopsis that is out there for this episode already, we know that the character’s daughter-in-law is missing; she’s going to need some obvious help to find her. Why wouldn’t Reddington or the FBI be an option for her?

Regardless of whatever secrets Panabaker is holding entering this episode, we are mostly just hoping for a chance to learn more about her past. There was clearly some sort of beef between her and Cooper the last time we saw her. Even if there’s nothing shady going on with her in terms of the blackmail plot, there’s still something else worthy of exploration.

Based on what Lovejoy had to say in the Twitter post below, this is definitely going to be one worth watching. Check it out on Friday night!

What do you most want to see when it comes to The Blacklist season 9 episode 14?

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