1883 season 1 episode 8 spoilers: The future for Elsa, Sam, Margaret


So where is the story going to go moving into 1883 season 1 episode 8? There are only a few episodes left this season!

As we get closer and closer to the end, we have to be wary of what that will mean for some of these characters. We’ve seen them go through quite a bit already, but in episode 7, you can argue that there were actually a few happy moments for Elsa! We didn’t expect her to move forward so quickly in the midst of everything that happened with Ennis, but she was able to find some sort of peace through her moments with Sam. Will that stick with her moving forward? We’d love to think so.

We will say that 1883 does a great job of creating these sweeping romantic moments, and also painting the wilderness in a way where it seems like almost anything is possible.

One other thing that the show is doing is showing the psychological turmoil that exists with being out on this journey. There are the physical hardships for sure, but then there’s also the mental hardships and a different sort of thing that sticks with you. We would imagine that moving forward, you could be seeing a lot of that when it comes to Margaret. Killing someone isn’t easy to get past, and it doesn’t quite matter what the reason for it is. Yet, Taylor Sheridan has also written this story where being out in the world is about survival of the fittest and knowing what to do when the time comes.

There are no further specifics out there as of yet about episode 8, but you can imagine more hardships on the road and hopefully, a little more heart when it comes to all of the characters. This has been an incredible journey and in the end, we hope they can stick the landing.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to 1883 right now

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