‘The Bachelor Canada’: Season 2 confirmed after success of Brad Smith show
Apparently, Canadians enjoyed the romantic journey of Brad Smith enough in order to want more of “The Bachelor Canada” … albeit not for at least another year.
In a press release earlier this week, Canadian network City, which was also responsible for the attempt to bring “America’s Got Talent” up north (though it failed after just one season), announced that there will be a second season of the dating show. Sadly, it will not be until 2014 as the network puts more of their focus into producing some locally-developed sitcoms and other creative content. For Canadian programmers, the challenge is always to find a balancing act of creative content that audiences from St. John’s to Vancouver can identity with, while also bringing in some popular programming from American that delivers high ratings without so much in the way of production costs.
The Canadian “Bachelor” benefited greatly from having a leading man in Brad who came across relatively well on the show, and his relationship with Bianka Kamber, who he picked after just nine short episodes, is still seemingly going strong (which makes this relationship far longer than Emily Maynard and Jef Holm’s). The ratings were also solid for the show, even if they were not necessarily spectacular. (If they were, we have a feeling there would be another show this year.)
At the moment, there are no plans to air a Canadian version of “The Bachelorette,” though this does not seem to be something that City is opposed to doing in the future.
Are you glad to see this show coming back in the future? Be sure to share your thoughts below, and you can also read some more news on the American “Bachelor” over at the link here.
Photo: City
Bachelor Blogger
January 20, 2013 @ 5:24 pm
We loved Bachelor Canada!