Yellowjackets season 2: Liv Hewson on Adult Van casting ideas

Yellowjackets season 1

Who is alive in the present-day story on YellowjacketsThere are dozens of theories and ideas out there on that already!

At the moment, we personally believe that the producers are keeping as much of this a mystery as possible. We know that Jackie is dead, as 1) we saw her dead in the show and 2) she was honored at the high school reunion. Yet, we didn’t see the full reunion, so it’s possible some other students may have been honored there; it’s also possible there are people still alive we haven’t seen yet. One such example is Lottie, who was seemingly confirmed as being out there in the closing minutes of the finale.

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So what about Van? We love the character so far, especially since it seems like she can survive pretty much anything and she’s in such a fascinating spot as a Lieutenant-of-sorts for Lottie. She’s also played by Liv Hewson, who we’ve loved ever since we first saw her over on Santa Clarita Diet a few years back. In a new interview with Digital Spy, the actress of course couldn’t confirm if her character makes it through her time in the wilderness; yet, she did respond to some of the names that fans have thrown out there to play the older version of Van:

“Every time anybody is suggested, I am always super-flattered, because the people who get thrown around are so talented and amazing, like Lauren Ambrose or Merritt Wever. Just everybody.

“I’m like, ‘Yeah, that’d be great, that’d be great.’ ‘What?’ ‘I don’t know.’ ‘Yes, I’d love it if Julia Stiles played an older version of me. What are you talking about? That’d be lovely.'”

Here’s going to be the big challenge for Yellowjackets: Casting a reasonably-known name and then keeping it a secret. This is what made the Lottie reveal so great. We learned she was alive, but didn’t actually see her. This gives the producers time to figure it out and when they cast someone, it won’t be a spoiler. A win for everyone, no?

Related Check out more news on Yellowjackets, including another look towards what’s next

Do you want Van to be alive in the present on Yellowjackets season 2?

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This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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