Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO, January 23?

Last Week Tonight

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight on HBO, and are we going to have a chance to dive into some much-needed comedy?

Well, here is where we share some of the bad news: We’re not quite there as of yet. There is no new installment tonight, and we’re still a little more than a month away from it coming back. This past week, the premium cable network confirmed that the show will return in late February, ultimately right around the time that the Winter Olympics are ending.

When the show DOES come back, you can most likely expect there to be a number of weekly episodes. We know already that there’s a lot of stuff to dive into. Will he mention the struggles from President Biden to pass certain parts of his agenda? Maybe, and the same goes for the January 6 Commission. However, it’s far too early to speculate what’s going to be relevant in a handful of weeks. Last Week Tonight is a show that focuses almost exclusively on the now, and there may be a number of big, headline-generating events that come out over the next few weeks. There’s a good chance that we could see the show venture in all sorts of all sorts of unexpected directions.

The thing that we’ve missed the most about the show over the years are the main segments — take, for example, the ones that are odd and delightful and make you learn something new about this world. We also just appreciate the recurring bits so much, whether they be Oliver’s conspiracy theory that there is only one Olsen Twin or that Adam Driver is the most remarkable man to have ever lived.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Last Week Tonight right now

What do you most want to see on the season premiere of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After you do just that, remember to stick around — there are other updates ahead and we don’t want you missing any of them. (Photo: HBO.)

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