Magnum PI season 4: Does Magnum know about Higgins’ dream?

Magnum PI season 4

Tonight’s Magnum PI season 4 episode started out with a scene that we’ve all been wanting to see for a good while: Higgins having a romantic dream about Magnum!

Early on in the episode, we got a glimpse of the character spending time out on a boat with Thomas, where he told her it was time to act on what was clearly on her mind. She woke up soon after and, for at least a little while moving forward, Magnum messed with her over it. It felt like he knew she had a dream about someone (she had fallen asleep next to him), but it wasn’t until the fifteen-minute mark when he revealed that he actually heard her say his name. For Higgins, this got pretty awkward. How do you explain that away when you’re around the guy most of the time?

Magnum was pretty understanding about the whole dream incident, but at the same time, he told her he hadn’t had the same sort of dream about her. This, in her eyes, made the whole situation even more embarrassing than before.

For most of the episode, we wondered if there was going to be anything more to this storyline as Magnum and Higgins took on the case-of-the-week. At the tail end, Magnum reiterated to her that she didn’t have to be embarrassed–these things just happen sometimes! That’s before we saw Higgins call up her therapist, where she noted that she had the dream “again.” She’s had it before!

What this big reveal means is that clearly, Higgins does have some sort of unexplored feelings for Thomas, and that clearly he’s on her mind on more than one occasion. It doesn’t mean that anything will come of it, but at a certain point, she may need to either confront these feelings, act on them, or try to move on in some other capacity.

Still, this little reveal added a nice little bow to what was a fun and pretty action-packed episode across the board. Now, we have something more to watch out for when it comes to Magnum and Higgins moving forward.

What do you think about tonight’s Magnum PI season 4 episode?

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