Is The Big Leap new tonight on Fox? More on season 2 prospects

The Big Leap

Is The Big Leap new tonight on Fox? For those hungry for an answer on that, we’re of course happy to help — and also look more to the future at the same time, provided that there is one.

Should we start by sharing the bad news here? We might as well, as there is no new episode of the series tonight! Unfortunately, that is going to be the case for quite some time moving forward. Last week marked the end of season 1, and was always meant to be the natural end to the story for the time being. While Fox theoretically could have ordered more episodes, it would’ve needed to be a totally separate arc. It was never something that needed to be done, though, in order for the show to have a chance at a season 2.

So is there a chance? It at least feels like you can’t rule it out just yet. While the show doesn’t necessarily have the best live ratings in the world, it is doing well in other venues — take, for example, streaming. This was confirmed by showrunner Liz Heldens, who had the following to say to Deadline on the subject:

We are very hopeful about a season two! The show does well on Hulu, the cast is spectacular, it’s been well received and people who find the show really love it.

When will Fox announce a decision?

Probably not until the new year, and they could take a lot of time then to figure it out. Technically, they could wait until May to get a good sense of its overall streaming numbers plus also how some of their shows fare. Even if they do cancel it, there is always a chance that another outlet (like Hulu) could pick it up.

For now, the best advice we can give is to tell all of your friends to check out the show. That’s the best way to ensure that it will have a future!

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Big Leap right now

Do you want to see The Big Leap season 2 happen at Fox down the road?

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