Oscars 2013: Seth MacFarlane draws big laughs during nomination ceremony

OscarsSince this isn’t a movie site by any means, we’re not going to focus on any of the actual films nominated for the 2013 Academy Awards on Thursday morning (largely because we spend too much time watching “Homeland” to actually go out to a cineplex). Instead, we wanted to give our assessment on a man who we are going to be seeing plenty of when the show actually airs on ABC next month: Seth MacFarlane. The “Family Guy” star has hosted “Saturday Night Live” and a number of Comedy Central Roasts in the past, but never anything on this scale and with this many people scrutinizing his every move. (You can see the actual nominees here.)

So how did he do here in helping to present the nominees? While there was not a lot of time for him to crack jokes, we think that this was a welcome sign that he could be a fantastic host of the show for this year and many years to come. He was sharp-witted when he had a chance to be, willing to poke fun at himself and the awards, but also classy enough to help us remember that this is really the biggest awards show of them all for anyone who loves film.

Our favorite moment during the entire process was when it was revealed that MacFarlane himself was nominated for Best Song for his movie “Ted,” which led to him joking that he now has a reason to attend the awards. He also said the following about the five nominees for Best Director:

“These 5 people are the best at sitting in a chair and watching other people make a movie.”

Of course, the humor here comes in the fact that MacFarlane himself directed “Ted,” and he knows just how much work and effort goes into creating such a film from a director’s point of view.

Do you think that MacFarlane will be a great host based on what we are seeing here? If you want to see what else MacFarlane has coming up, you can do so over here.

Photo: ABC

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