Luther – Netflix movie starts filming; see new Idris Elba tease!

Neil Cross

Luther movie is coming to Netflix; why not take a behind-the-scenes look at it now?

In a new post on Twitter (see below), you can see star Idris Elba back on set as the famed John Luther, wearing his signature coat and tie. This movie is being written by series creator Neil Cross, who is also executive-producing alongside Elba. The actor has been a longtime advocate for doing a standalone film about this character, and this will be an opportunity to do just that. Having it stream on Netflix may also enable it to have more of a big-budget feel and we are very much intrigued as to where Luther’s story will go from here.

Of course, there are questions already about whether Ruth Wilson will appear again as Alice Morgan — even though she fell to the floor and seemingly died at the end of season 5. The operative word in there, of course, is “seemingly.” Given that we’ve seen this character cheat death before, you can never rule out the possibility that she will cheat death again. She is Luther’s greatest foe, but her complicated history with him makes their relationship incredibly difficult to navigate. Maybe some will want to see John move forward and find some happiness — then again, if he does, will Luther even be Luther anymore? This series has long been incredibly dark and intense; that’s something that we have a hard time seeing change when this movie eventually comes out.

If we were to project some sort of release date for the film, it’s fair to guess it will be available at some point in 2022. A lot of it may just come down to timing. Netflix has so many different big-ticket programs that in the end, they may just choose to plug this one in wherever it makes the most sense for them to do so in their schedule.

Related Be sure to get some other news on Luther right now

What do you most want to see on the upcoming Luther movie?

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This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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