Succession season 3 episode 5: How could Gerri use Roman?

Succession season 3

There are so many wonderful characters in Succession season 3, but Gerri Kellman needs to be at least near the top of the list. She’s the acting CEO of Waystar Royco, and that is of course just one reminder of her overall skill set, intelligence, and ability to figure out difficult situations and how to advance through them.

Oh, and did we mention her ability to navigate Roman? The relationship between the two of them is incredibly weird, but at the same time totally compelling. While Roman is the sort of character who could make a lot of people run away screaming, that’s not Gerri. We can’t speak to whether or not she really loves his romantic infatuations, but she at least recognizes that there’s a way to use it as leverage.

New Succession video! If you haven’t seen our most-recent episode review yet, we suggest that you take a look at that below! Once you do just that, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. There are some more updates coming and of course, we don’t want you to miss them.

Speaking as a part of a wonderful new profile in Marie Claire, actress J. Smith-Cameron details how Gerri perceives Kieran Culkin’s character, and also her initial perception of the “romantic” story arc that we’ve seen the past couple of seasons:

“When we first started doing it, I was like, this is nuts, [but I came to understand it] … She’s like, how can I use this to advance my personal position? And I think he gets under her skin a little bit… He’s a jerk, he’s so funny, and he’s so other than she is… I think she has a weird affection for him that isn’t necessarily sexual or romantic or anything, but just a sort of tenderness.”

As we inch further into the season, this relationship could be more important than ever. Roman could be a valuable ally for Gerri as she and the Roy family try to keep Waystar under their control. Basically, he’ll do almost anything she wants him to. There aren’t many other members of this family who are so impressionable.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Succession right now

What do you think is going to be coming up for Gerri on Succession season 3 episode 5 this weekend?

Be sure to let us know right now in the attached comments! Once you do take a look at that, be sure to also stick around — there are some other updates on the way and of course, we don’t want you to miss them. (Photo: HBO.)

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