Last Week Tonight with John Oliver looks at homeleness

Last Week Tonight

When you think about it, we’re absolutely shocked that Last Week Tonight with John Oliver has not addressed homelessness before. It’s been a HUGE problem in this country for a long time and yet, so many people have swept it under the rug.

Or, even worse, we’ve seen on many occasions people blame the homeless themselves, or lump them all into one specific group based on the actions of the few. There have been very few instances over the years of governments finding a proper solution to a problem. There are a lot of misnomers about homeless shelters, as well — they are hardly what anyone thinks that they are. There are a number of different rules and regulations that make living there rather difficult; as a matter of fact, you can’t live there at all.

Eventually, Oliver got to the part of the segment that many people expected: How to get homeless people proper homes. What is the right program in order to make that happen? There have been measures put into place somewhat over the years; take, for example, a program that was put in to help veterans called “supportive housing.”

Beyond the subject matter itself of homelessness, rest assured that there was plenty of humor thrown in here, as well. We had a chance to see a lot of good stuff, whether it be riffs on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory or clips from The Tyra Banks Show. This is a part of Oliver’s classic bait-and-switch strategy of comedy: He sells you the segment with laughs, but eventually gets to the heart of the matter. This is a segment a lot of people should see, especially those who rush to judgment or just assume that homeless people are problems.

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