Law & Order: Organized Crime: What’s in the letter? The Stabler shocker

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What was in Stabler’s letter? There are few questions as important to the world of Law & Order: SVU and Organized Crime as this one. We knew that tonight’s episode could lead to some MAJOR surprises, but we still didn’t see the contents of said letter coming.

After all, it turns out that Elliot didn’t even write the letter on his own accord — instead, Kathy was the main instigator behind it all. Out of all of the various theories that we’d heard on this subject, this one wasn’t even close to being on our mind. This letter complicates things further, mostly becomes it confirms that there is something there for Stabler and Benson — even if he didn’t write this letter himself. The fact that he said he did just makes all of this so much messier. It also brings you a very strange sort of insight into the relationship between Kathy and Elliot, as well. She knew the entire time that something existed between her husband and his partner, even if it wasn’t acted on.

So yes, this is messy — as are many things in life. It changes the perception of Kathy radically and it makes Elliot’s absence for so many years all the more emotionally-fraught. How much did potentially feelings for Olivia factor in to his absence? To call fan reactions to this letter divided would be an understatement — it feels like it’s trying to serve two different relationships at once and in doing that, it doesn’t offer up much clarity to either one.

Ultimately, we think this story is going to be a part of the long game for Olivia and Elliot — not matter where things go for them, they’ve got a lot to sift through.

What did you think about Law & Order: Organized Crime, and the big shocked when it comes to the letter?

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This article was written by Jess Carter.

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