Vigil episode 6 (finale): Is Prentice dead? Did ending satisfy?


We were waiting to see how Vigil episode 6 was going to tie together loose ends. Finale episodes can be challenging! That is especially the case when you’ve got a show that spent the better part of the past month hyping itself up.

The good news for a lot of people out there is that Amy (somehow) survived, despite the situation looking exceptionally grim for her over the bulk of the hour. Unfortunately, the good news was not exactly widespread, as the person responsible for saving her (think Lieutenant Commander Mark Prentice found himself stabbed by Matthew Doward.

While there was an element of closure within this finale, whether or it it was satisfying is a totally different story. It felt like most of the big dramatic moments were back in episode 5, which left less for the finale to ultimately do. We know that some have already compared it to the controversial ending of the most-recent season of Line of Duty, where there was no real way for the writing to live up to all of the anticipation.

Regardless of whatever you feel about the ending to Vigil, we do think that it did a lot of great things across its run. For example, it told a compelling story with a unique roster of characters, and it was nice to see Rose Leslie front and center for a drama again. We do think there are more stories that could even be told within this world, but that really comes down to what the powers-that-be decide to do. This is one of those BBC series that could have some crossover appeal; we wouldn’t say it is the next Bodyguard, but even a fraction of that could be something the network gets behind in the end.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Vigil right now, including more talk on the future

What did you think about the Vigil finale, and what happened to Prentice?

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