Loki episode 4 spoilers: Are Loki and Sylvie officially stuck?
Based on what we saw at the end of tonight’s episode 3, it’s understandably fair to have that concern. The ship exploded! How do the two of them escape where they are? There are a lot of questions as to what the future holds for these characters in general, as this episode felt a little more personal in scope and less about the story being pushed forward in some huge way. It brought us a greater understanding of Loki and Sylvie — we still don’t think, for the record, that she’s a variant. She could still be the central villain for all we know.
What does seem clearer is that the TVA employees don’t exactly have a great sense of who they once were, and that makes us think we’re being poised to set up for something more with Mobius. As fascinating (and visually stunning) as the episode this week was, we do still wonder how they’re going to be able to tie most loose ends together in just three episodes. This show can’t just be an introduction for the next Thor or Doctor Strange movie, and we instead tend to think it’s a way to show both Loki’s full capabilities and then also what he’s learned over time. He could be a character capable of keeping the MCU from collapsing atop itself!
One more, rather simple thing, we’re left to wonder here is simply whether or not the remaining episodes will be a little bit longer — with the closing credits for Disney+ shows being as long as they are, you tend to get suckered in thinking that you’re getting something close to 40 minutes. Episode 3, however, was over by around the time that we got to 36.
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Photo: Disney+