The Bachelorette episode 3 spoilers: Karl, Thomas causing Katie drama

Katie Thurston

Want to get a sense of what’s ahead on The Bachelorette episode 3 next week? Well, there’s more drama for Thomas and Karl in particular.

On tonight’s new episode, we saw Karl make the rather-questionable decision to “blow up the house” by spreading all sorts of vague rumors about guys being there for the wrong reasons. He didn’t know if any of them were true, but just the mere speculation got Katie understandably upset.

Check out our review of this episode of The Bachelorette below! Remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube for reviews, scoop, and all sorts of fun Bachelor Nation stuff. New videos on The Bachelorette are posted at the channel every Monday night.

Based on the preview that aired tonight, Karl is going to keep doing his thing and seems to have no problem doing it. He thinks that this brand of honesty is helpful, when really it’s just causing her undue stress. We feel like we had enough useless drama on Matt James’ season and there’s no real reason to continue it this time around considering that Karl doesn’t have any real information. No names, no examples and nothing on what was said.

So who else is going to be in the hot seat? Think Thomas, who could very well be there “for the wrong reasons” if we’re to believe some of the new allegations that are raised. The real truth is that a TON of these guys are there for fame, and it’s not just limited to one or two. It’s okay if you are there for fame considering that people are on a TV show, but you also need to be there for love and show a real interest! That has to be the top priority if this whole experience is going to work out; if you’re too transparent about Instagram followers or being The Bachelor then it’s just not fun to watch.

Related Be sure to get some more news on The Bachelorette, including more coverage on tonight’s episode

What do you most want to see when it comes to The Bachelorette episode 3?

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This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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