‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ review: Is anyone on Brandi Glanville’s side?
After last week’s fight between Adrienne, Paul and Brandi at Mauricio’s event, we couldn’t wait to see what the aftermath was going to look like on “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” this week, and we weren’t disappointed.
Kyle steps into the fight, pulling Adrienne away from the situation. Adrienne says that Brandi is being reckless when it comes to caring for people’s reputations, but then calls her a drug addict. Meanwhile Brandi’s friend Dwight tells her that Paul’s behavior towards her (or any woman for that matter) was out of line. Brandi apologizes to Mauricio for her part in the fight, but does he really care now that his event is ruined?
As for Kim, who was the one to tell Adrienne about the “secret” that Brandi revealed to the women, she stands behind her decision to tell Adrienne the truth. Kyle feels that her timing was bad, but Kim insists she was being a good friend. Taylor tells Brandi that it was in poor taste to talk about other people’s personal lives the way that she did, but Brandi doesn’t understand.
Later Kyle talks to Brandi and defends Kim’s decision to tell Adrienne about the “gossip”. Brandi says that she would take it back if she could, but stands firm that it’s not gossip, it’s the truth. Brandi goes on to say that the Maloof’s have done some pretty terrible things to her that no one knows about, but Camille backs Adrienne saying that she has always been on Brandi’s side.
Kim decides to plan a trip to Vegas (not the greatest idea for someone just out of rehab, but we have faith in her) for her son’s 21st birthday. At Lisa’s mansion, Scheana (the woman that slept with Brandi’s ex-husband) says that she wants to clear the air with Brandi, but Lisa tells her the timing isn’t right and that she has to leave.
Kyle throws a dinner party and says that Adrienne decided not to attend because of the tension between her and Brandi, but Brandi says that she would’ve have gladly taken a pass on the dinner so that Adrienne could come instead because she knows that they are all closer to Adrienne then her. Faye asks what happened between Brandi and Adrienne and Brandi tells her about what happened when she said she had a book deal – how Adrienne chimed in saying that she has one too. Kyle tried to defend Adrienne by saying that she actually does have a book deal, and Brandi says that she may have bought one since their conversation. Faye starts in with Brandi about her comment about Adrienne buying the book deal and Brandi tries to back off from the confrontation, saying that she doesn’t really know Faye and doesn’t want to fight with her.
Faye keeps pushing to ask what Adrienne did to Brandi and she says that she doesn’t really want to get into it since everyone there is friends with Adrienne and she doesn’t want to talk about her behind her back. After Faye pushed further, Brandi tells them that Adrienne called her to meet up before the last reunion and tried to push her into going against Lisa, but Brandi wouldn’t do what she said. Faye tries to push Brandi into calling Adrienne and apologize to her, but Brandi says that it’s too early. AS Brandi starts to feel that no one is on her side, Marisa speaks up and says that she agrees with Brandi and that her issues with Adrienne are between her and Adrienne and no one else. Eventually Brandi decides to stand up and walk away from the situation when Faye won’t stop pushing her and we love that Brandi did this, because at that point she had every right to fire back at Faye , but decided not to.
What did you think of this week’s episode of “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills”? Leave us a comment and tell us what you think.
Photo: Bravo
December 18, 2012 @ 12:16 pm
Either the “author” did not watch the episode, or is biased. Fact: Brandi did not start the conversation about Adrienne. Plus she tried to shut it down several times. Faye’s behavior is atrocious, and Kyle should be ashamed of herself too. While i am at it, I use to love kyle’s husband until he made a comment about Brandi’s character. Everything he criticized Brandi for, his own wife is guilty of! But Brandi is not a potential wealthy client for him, so I guess it’s okay to be hypocritical?!
Music Lover
December 18, 2012 @ 11:47 am
This post is so biased against brandi and misrepresentative of what happened at kyles dinner party. Kyle started in on brandi and brandi was explaining herself when faye decided to berate her about apologizing. And if you were paying attention you would have noticed that both lisa and marisa stood up for brandi and marisa, lisa, and yolanda all took brandis side against faye and kyle while acknowledging she shouldn’t have said what she did, as brandi herself agrees.