Blue Bloods season 11 episode 12 video: Is Baker leaving her job?

Blue Bloods season 11

Coming up on Blue Bloods season 11 episode 12 this Friday, we have all sorts of big questions about Abigail Baker.

First and foremost, there are questions about her being attacked. We’ve seen in previews already that this happened when she was bringing groceries home on the street — it may have been totally random, but there’s also still a chance there was a particular motive. We haven’t seen enough of the case as of yet to know for sure.

Beyond just this, though, another question surfaces in the sneak peek below: Is Baker going to leave her post in the Commissioner’s Office? She seems to be strongly considering it in the aftermath of what happened. It doesn’t actually seem to be linked to the attack itself; instead, it is tied more to Frank’s refusal to let her go out and investigate what happened. She’s miserable about the idea of being stuck behind the scenes doing more menial tasks; she also recognizes that if she was still in the field, it never would have happened at all.

Baker tells Frank that in the past, he’s mentioned that whenever she’s ready to move on, she can; he knows that he’s extremely lucky to have someone with her skill level working in the office. There are a lot of opportunities for her elsewhere, and who knows? Some may pay better, or at the very least allow her to go out in pursuit of justice.

In this moment, it does seem like Abigail Hawk’s character is ready to leave her post for good; just remember that this is a long episode and that Frank excels at figuring out compromises. Baker’s seen him do this time and time again. We like to think that he’ll find a way to help her through this situation and convince her to stay in his office. Or, that’s at least our hope.

What do you want to see when it comes to Blue Bloods season 11 episode 12?

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(Photo: CBS.)

This article was written by Jess Carter.

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