Blue Bloods season 11: What’s the path to the finale?
So while all of the information in this article is still subject to change, we thought it would be useful to map some of it out. Let’s start with the basic facts: The plan is for there to be sixteen episodes in season 11, and for two of them to air on Friday, May 14. (The show right now is filming episode 15, so they’ll be working on the finale soon enough.) Meanwhile, we know that episode 11 (entitled “Guardian Angels”) is airing this Friday, and episode 12 (“Happy Endings”) is airing on April 16. There is a repeat scheduled for April 23, and then another episode (episode 13) set for April 30.
With this currently-official information in mind, this means that episode 14 is going to air on May 7 … and the entire season is therefore planned out from here on out. All in all, this isn’t so bad! It basically means that save for April 23, there will be installments the rest of the season. CBS clearly back-loaded their Blue Bloods schedule to ensure that they would have episodes to air around the time of May sweeps. We feel like they also did this just in case there were some virus-related filming delays. They got reasonably lucky on that front.
While nothing is 100% confirmed at the moment, it’s our hope that Blue Bloods will get a season 12 renewal over the next month, and with it filming can start up at some point this summer. It’d be nice for the show to get back to its typical production/airing schedule, right?
What do you most want to see when it comes to Blue Bloods season 11 moving forward?
Is there any sort of story you are expecting for the finale? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, be sure to stick around to get some more information when it comes to the series and what’s next.
(Photo: CBS.)
This article was written by Jess Carter.