Blue Bloods season 11 episode 10 air date confirmed; schedule ahead

Blue Bloods season 11

We know that this week was a little frustrating within the Blue Bloods world, as so many of you were probably hoping for a new episode. Unfortunately, that didn’t end up happening. Episode 9 found itself delayed until Friday, March 26, and that leads to us asking the following question: What happens from here?

CBS has unveiled their schedule for the week following the February 26 episode, and it confirms that there is another installment that will be coming your way on Friday, April 2. There isn’t too much in the way of news out there about it right now, but it’s nice to be aware that there’s not another long hiatus coming … at least outside of the one that we’re currently in.

As for the overall episode count this season, signs point to there being around 16 installments, though we have to recognize that this could always change based on virus-related factors. If the show does get to that magic number, though, it means that we could have new episodes throughout much of April moving into May. For all of the repeats and off-weeks that we’ve had this season, it could be rather nice to have an influx of content right before we go on the long summer hiatus. From there, we could get back to having 22 episodes again — provided, of course, that the vaccine rollout goes smoothly and the show is renewed for another season.

So ultimately, know that there is a lot of stuff on Blue Bloods season 11 still to come. We’re only barely past the halfway point, though it may not feel that way given how this season is by and large structured. A lot of networks are holding back stories to ensure they at least have something for May sweeps.

What do you want to see when it comes to Blue Bloods season 11 the rest of the way?

Let us know some of your thoughts in the attached comments! After you do that, be sure to stick around for some other updates when it comes to the series.

(Photo: CBS.)

This article was written by Jessica Carter.

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