Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight, March 7?

Last Week Tonight

Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver new tonight? We know that with every passing week there is always this question — consider it a consequence of the fact that there are so many hiatuses throughout the week.

Now, we go ahead and present the good news: There will be another episode tonight! Unfortunately, you will be waiting a little while in order to see it. Because of Allen v. Farrow running a little bit longer than an hour (and it airing twice in a row), Oliver’s late-night show will not be airing until 11:15 p.m. Eastern time. If you are a longtime viewer, there is a good chance you are familiar with some of how this works already. Even though Last Week Tonight is technically scheduled to air weekly at 11:00, very rarely does it actually come on at that precise time.

As for what you can expect to see on tonight’s episode, we’re sure that there will be some talk all about the American Rescue Plan and everything in the Senate this weekend to move the bill forward. We wouldn’t be surprised if at some point, Oliver takes a deeper dive into someone like Joe Manchin, who often ends up being a swing vote for a wide array of different issues.

The main story, meanwhile, will likely be in the vein of some others you’ve seen over the past few weeks. For this season in particular, we’ve seen more of an old-school approach with Oliver where he talks more about ignored subjects that rarely get enough attention elsewhere. That allows his show to ultimately be a little more educational, which we always appreciate … while laughing, of course. We don’t want to also lose sight of what sort of show this really is.

Related Be sure to get some more updates on Last Week Tonight right now

What do you want to see on the latest episode of Last Week Tonight?

Be sure to share some of your thoughts right now in the attached comments! After you do just that, remember to also keep coming back — there are other updates ahead all about the show. (Photo: HBO.)

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