Big Brother Canada 9 spotlight: Can Tina Thistle beat the odds?

Tina Thistle

If there’s one thing we’ve learned across Big Brother Canada and Big Brother US, it’s that the oldest houseguests every season rarely do well. With that, we have to say that we’re concerned about Tina Thistle from the get-go.

Yet, there are some things that intrigue us about her right away. She’s a 42-year old graphic designer from Paradise, Newfoundland, and she brings with her a personality that is automatically endearing. She’s gregarious, ready to try out this experience, and hopefully prove a lot of people wrong.

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Just from what little we have of Tina in the video below, it feels like her biggest strength is going to be her social game. She’s outgoing enough to make friends early, and she’s probably going to need that to offset the inherent disadvantage that comes with being the oldest player (not that 42 is old at all). She won’t be the competition beast of some other people in the game, but we also don’t think she has any illusions of that. She seems more intent on using her other skills to do well.

For Tina right now, her best-case scenario could just be linking up with the right people and being safe for a good percentage of the game. She probably can’t play too aggressively, too early since she’s already going to stand out. Her game will be all about timing — if she’s just a friendly player and little else, it will be hard for her to get the title and she runs the risk of being brought to the end and getting very-few votes. She needs to make big moves around the midway point of the game.

Based on what little we’ve seen of her, we do like Tina. Her personality is just different from everyone else this season, and we always do love seeing Newfoundland properly represented.

Related Be sure to get some other Big Brother Canada houseguest spotlights!

Do you want to see Tina Thistle do well on Big Brother Canada 9?

Be sure to let us know in the comments! After you do that, remember to stick around — there are some other updates ahead and we don’t want you to miss them. (Photo: Global.)

This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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