Is Tom Cavanagh leaving The Flash, the role of Nash Wells?
Judging from the way the episode tonight ended, it is fair to speculate on that very thing. Nash Wells gave his life in order to ensure that Barry got his powers back, and when you consider how many other iterations of Wells are gone, we do have to wonder about Cavanagh’s future. There hasn’t been any news as of yet when it comes to a new version of the character, and there are also only so many times that the writers can reinvent things.
Even if Cavanagh is gone for now, we have to think still that there is room for more in the future! Within this show anything is possible, especially when you think about one of his first iconic roles in the Reverse-Flash.
Oh, and there is one other important thing to consider — what showrunner Eric Wallace had to say recently to TVLine on the subject:
Why would Tom Cavanagh leave the show without saying goodbye to Carlos [Valdes]’ Cisco? We cannot allow that … Look for Tom to reappear in a unique way we haven’t seen before.
We can’t guarantee that Tom will still be a regular when he comes back around, but keep this in your back pocket for now. Also, remember that The Flash does have a tendency to rotate characters in and out these days — we’ve seen them do this with Cisco over the past couple of years, and this may be how they manage having a larger cast.
What do you think is going to happen with Tom Cavanagh on The Flash moving forward?
Do you think that there is another version of Nash coming down the road? Be sure to let us know right now in the comments! After you do that, stick around — there are more updates coming that you don’t want to miss. (Photo: The CW.)