9-1-1 season 4 episode 6 spoilers: Can Eddie move forward?

9-1-1 season 2 episode 2

Next week on Fox you will have a chance to see 9-1-1 season 4 episode 6 — do you want to get more info on it now? The title for it is “Jinx,” and we’re already curious as to how this plays out. The title seems to be tied to some various superstitions that exist within the firehouse — one where almost everything terrible happens all at once. Sure, the 118 have seen their fair share of terrible stuff already — but this is bad, even for them.

To go along with this, there is also a big personal story coming for Eddie. For some more on that, be sure to check out the full 9-1-1 season 4 episode 6 synopsis below:

The 118 believes their fabled firehouse superstition has come true when they have the day from hell with a never-ending series of bizarre emergency calls – Athena is in hot pursuit of a 118 firetruck; a man who duct-taped himself to freeway billboard, a garage full of fireworks and a restaurant manager destroying his own business. Meanwhile, Eddie feels a spark with Christopher’s former teacher, but admits to Bobby he may not be ready to move on in his personal life just yet in the all-new “Jinx” episode of 9-1-1 airing Monday, Feb. 22 (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (NIN-406) (TV-14 D, L, V)

With Eddie, what he may be realizing in this moment is that he may not be anywhere near as ready to move forward as he previously thought that he was. That’s understandable, especially since it’s hard to determine when someone is ready and when they’re not. These things take time! So long as he is honest with Christopher’s former teacher and doesn’t lead her on, then he isn’t doing anything wrong. He’s just living within himself.

Related Be sure to get more news when it comes to 9-1-1

What do you most want to see when it comes to 9-1-1 season 4 episode 6?

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This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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