The Serpent episode 6 spoilers: Charles in France; endgame expectations
We have the full The Serpent episode 6 synopsis for you below, and it does at least do a good job of setting the stage:
With Charles (Tahar Rahim) out of his grasp, Herman’s (Billy Howle) behaviour becomes increasingly erratic and he is sent on compulsory leave.
Will a private inspection of Kanit House bring him, Angela (Ellie Bamber) and their colleagues the major breakthrough they crave?
Charles, meanwhile, is in Karachi attempting to set up business in Europe. As he attempts to snare a buyer for his gems, he faces up to memories of his past, while Marie-Andrée (Jenna Coleman) and Ajay (Amesh Edireweera) vie for ascendancy within the group.
Charles can never fully get away from his past, even if he may like to. We know that there is a time in his real life when he was able to conduct business and find celebrity in France, but it only led to an eventual arrest down the road. Because so much of the story here is set in stone, the challenge for The Serpent as a series is conducting an emotional framework for the series to do much of its business. How do you illustrate the suffering of those he impacted? How do you get inside his head? Within the final three episodes, there need to be more answers.
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