Is Eric Christian Olsen leaving NCIS: Los Angeles? Is Deeks fired?


On NCIS: Los Angeles season 12 episode 5, we got all sorts of tough situations — and there was especially one for Marty Deeks. Is Eric Christian Olsen leaving the show after what happened to the character? We’ll break some of that down within this article.

The first thing worth noting here why so much of this is going down with Deeks — he’s already been displaced from his role as LAPD liaison for NCIS, but there was a thought that eventually, he’d be able to jump back in. Unfortunately, that did not happen. Nell informed him near the end of the episode that the job was being cut, and unfortunately there was nothing that neither she nor Hetty could do about it.

To make matters worse, it’s almost impossible for Deeks to go back into training to be a proper NCIS agent — they don’t take applicants his age. Even if they did, he’d be starting from the bottom with a much lower pay-scale and fewer benefits. That’s rough for a guy wanting to start a family and in process of buying a house.

Here’s what we can tell you — despite this storyline, there is no evidence that Eric Christian Olsen is leaving. Deeks may very well be around the show still, though there would need to be a new role for him. We know that there character is playing a role in next week’s episode, as he tries to find a way to cope with his dismissal. There could be a mental struggle for this character moving forward — how does he handle losing so much of the life that he knew?

While this entire story is a tough pill for Deeks to swallow, it could be a great thing for Olsen as a performer — we know he relishes some opportunities to play vulnerable moments. Deeks’ vulnerability is one of the reasons why the show is so great — he’s a real role model to guys out there that there is strength in showing your emotions.

Also remember this — Olsen has missed episodes of the show before. That could happen again this season, but it doesn’t mean that he is gone.

Beyond Deeks being fired from NCIS, there is another thing that the team has to worry about now: Kessler being on the loose. NCIS screwed this up, and now Kensi is in grave danger. Hopefully, he’ll be caught sooner rather than later.

What do you think is going to be coming for Deeks and Eric Christian Olsen on NCIS: Los Angeles season 12?

Be sure to share right now in the comments, and also stick around for some other news. (Photo: CBS.)

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