Big Brother 22 All-Stars live feed spoilers: Final 4 laments

Big Brother

Typically, Monday is the day within the Big Brother 22 All-Stars house where the Veto Ceremony happens. That’s probably not going to be the case now. Typically the final four Veto Ceremony happens on the live eviction show — there’s no real eligible replacement nominee, so Cody will just stand up and cast his vote to evict.

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More than likely, that vote is going to be for Christmas to leave the game. Enzo told Christmas last night what was likely to happen, and we don’t have any real sense that this is going to change. She recognizes that she wants to still fight and talk to Cody more about why she’s better to take to the end, but it probably won’t work. She’s mostly lamenting now that she lost her competitive edge back during the final five Head of Household when the pumpkin fell out. She was wrecked emotionally after that and really, she hasn’t recovered.

We do wonder if Enzo is lamenting not evicting Nicole when he had the chance, though that move did buy him more time of absolute safety within the game. He just recognizes now that he’s in a spot where Nicole probably won’t take him to the end if she wins the final HoH, and there’s no guarantee Cody will. He feels like there’s a reasonably good chance, but a reasonably good chance does not equal a guarantee by any means.

We hope that there’s at least some campaigning that goes on today — we at least need something to watch on there.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 22

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